I don’t know the pastor who said this about me, but you do. He is all over the LCMS. He is a fence-sitter posing as pastoral, compassionate, Gospel-oriented to cover his ambiguous confession. I really don’t know the man, so I’m taking out any identifying characteristics of the email concerning him which another man I never met sent me.
Continue readingOf Killing Snakes and not Kids
The story begins either with an outdoor writer, a district president, or a secretary but culminates with a journalist and an organist.
Continue readingLet us be Content With “Is”
20th Century Confessional Lutheran theologian Sasse said that the offense that once rested on the Cross now rests on the Altar. What follows are quotes and thoughts collected from many sources over many years that help to retain and glory in the offense rightly.
Continue readingThe Emperor’s New Clothes
You know the aforementioned story. Here is the first salvo from me about the “new clothes” of psychotropic medicines and the profession behind them. I don’t think many pastors have read Prozac Nation, House of Cards, The Antidepressant Era, or The Crisis in Psychiatry and Religion, and Anatomy of an Epidemic. This last I didn’t read either; I had a son of mine do it for me. Below is a transcript of a 2010 NPR broadcast on this topic. Let’s hear from someone in the field about these things. WARNING IF YOU DON’T WANT TO HEAR THE ‘OTHERSIDE’ OF THE PSYCHATRIC DRUGS DEBATE READ NO FURTHER. I AM NOT EDUCATED, TRAINED, OR LICENSED IN THE FIELD OF PSYCHIATRY LET ALONE MEDICINE. YOU ARE FREE TO IGNORE ME AS A KOOK. CONTINUE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Continue readingA Lion, an Ox, and a Warning, O My!
Dr. Horace Hummel has this story in his wonderful commentary on Ezekiel. He tells of the church in Nebraska where he spent his childhood. He describes the reredos having a statue of Christ flanked by Peter and Paul and accompanied by a lion and ox respectively reflecting the early association of Peter with Mark the Evangelists and Paul with Luke. He had many childish fantasies about those animals, but no one ever explained to him what those two animals were doing above the altar. Much later his own studies informed him.
Continue readingSomething Better – visit to an Evangelical Lutheran Synod church
I’m conflicted. I reported on a virtual visit to an LCMS contemporary service. Today I report on a confessional Lutheran service. It was virtual too; virtually mind blowing.
Continue readingIf Video Killed the Radio Star, What has the Internet Killed?
The song “Video Killed the Radio Star” was the first video to be played on MTV when the network was launched August 1, 1981. And some pundits and prophets trace all sorts of developments or devolutions from this event. TV changed, songs changed, kids changed too. Kids have always been about music but when your eyes are tuned to a song, the message is mainlined.
Continue readingSunscreen and Hunting
A dermatologist told me I should start wearing sunscreen when hunting. I tried it on several hunts and hated it. Why? It’s a mixed message. The distinct odor of sunscreen is evocative of beaches and salt spray, not vegetation and guns. Cordite is the smell for these. And if you smell those at the beach, hit the ground. Somebody is shooting something.
Continue readingGreater Things Than These
In a series of dramatic revelations the Lord shows the great abomination of the leaders of the Old Testament church culminating with their worship of the sun. He moves the narrative along saying each time that Ezekiel will see greater abominations than these (Ezk. 8). Out of Africa I will show you greater things here (where you are) than there (Africa).
Continue readingThree Little Words
I’m convinced. The criteria people use to evaluate candidates for the pastoral office are just moribund. They are not even so last century or the century before that. They aren’t even so last millennia; they are the one before it. So I think the following requirements, standards, qualifications are without merit in this enlightened 21st century of ours:
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