Category Archives: For Pastors Only
America, Behold Your gods!
America has three gods. They are the three C’s: Choice, Control, and Compensation. You mess with any of these and you bring a firestorm of popular resentment against you. And herein is the problem.
You Can Have Your Catechesis
Here is my reply to all those pastors who insist on referring to their catechism class as catechesis, a term familiar virtually to no one outside the seminary, and ought to be avoided because it sounds more like a disease … Continue reading
No Deeper Than a Radio Gimmick; No Newer than Ben Franklin
It took me some internet searching to find the origins of “Name it; Claim it.” You have to wade through pages of Joel Osteen and others Pentecostals. As it turns out, it’s really no deeper than a radio gimmick.
A Whiter Shade of Pale
“A Whiter Shade of Pale” was a 1967 hit by the British rock band Procol Harum. You can’t not know this song if you like classic rock. That would be like a poet lover not knowing “The Rime of the … Continue reading
Being a Typewriter Repairmen in an Apple World
This is from the TV show Blue Bloods, season 4, episode 5, “Lost and Found.” A “whiskey priest” is speaking. He has been a chaplain to the NYPD since at least 9/11 when he “worked the pile” with firemen and … Continue reading
Does the Koran Sanction Homosexuality?
You be the judge. Here’s what a book about the profligate, degenerated, proud pedophile William Burroughs says:
They Would See Me, Not
It’s a delightful text where the Greeks come, without bearing gifts I might add, saying, “We would see Jesus.” Every pastor ought to know that some pulpits have a plaque or an engraving that only the pastor can see quoting … Continue reading
Like Shepherd and Sheep to Slaughter
Theodore Roosevelt was running for governor of New York. He had gained renowned as the leader of the Rough Riders. To energize his flagging campaign, he took along on his stump speeches veterans of that famous charge up San Juan … Continue reading
Justin Long-Lived
That wasn’t his nom de guerre. Martyr was. There was a reason for that. He was an apologist not a satirist. About the same time Justin Martyr was making a defense for the Christian faith Juvenal was satirizing the Roman … Continue reading
2,000, .32 cents, and More
“Seven Pounds” was the name of a 2008 movie about a man who didn’t want to live anymore and wanted his heart to go to person needing it. Figures can do more than inform they can crystallize. When I saw … Continue reading