Category Archives: For Pastors Only
Neither a Doctor’s or an Actor’s Look at Calvary Does it Justice
I’ve read the 1963 work A Doctor Looks at Calvary; you’ve probably watched Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie The Passion and while a medical doctor in my congregation says that the book is accurate and those who have watched the movie … Continue reading
Politics and Peeing on New Hay – Rerun
This is not deja vu. You might have read this in May of 2008; you could have read it in 1998. Think of this as my Carthago delenda est. I am republishing because both at the district and synodical level the political … Continue reading
A Modest Plea for Retaining the Holy Ghost
To paraphrase Luther, the Holy Ghost Himself remains without our prayer or my plea. My pleas is for using the title Holy Ghost as opposed to Holy Spirit. Yes, I know the Greek and Hebrew are better translated ‘Spirit’ not … Continue reading
What do Seminex, Kloha, and ELDONA have in common?
The answer to this query comes from me, but it is based on an article written by the Reverend Doctor David Scaer. It is good to know not everyone is asleep at the switch at the seminaries, not everyone is … Continue reading
Finally Free
For 34 years AAL, then Thrivent for Lutherans, then Thrivent for Christians provided me with a desk diary each year, gratias, free of charge, on the arm, or maybe not. It was always in varying shades of red except in … Continue reading
Why a Good Host Doesn’t Use the Word Host
Here is a letter – surprise, surprise – that wasn’t relegated to the trash can by its receipts. The The Lutheran Witness published it in the October 2017 issue.
Aren’t We at Least to where USMA and Sherman were?
I have a confession to make. I try not to have to preach on July 4th.
Is Life Really Too Short?
I’ve heard this from blue collar iron workers to white color businessmen. “Life is too short to partake of cheap beer, cigars,” or any other condiment of our existence. But is it?
Send Me Romans and I’ll Send You John or Money – An Open Letter to All Missionaries Seeking Money
I have been bombarded in the last two years with LCMS pastors seeking funding for their mission field. My response is “Send me the Book of Romans.”
A Laughing Matter that isn’t Funny
I have a thirty-year-old cartoon in my files from Christianity Today. It depicts an absolutely frazzled man on the edge of a bed, phone plastered to his ear, with a freaked-out expression. The caption is: “My wife just left me, … Continue reading