Author Archives: Paul Harris
Buy This Book
In 1971 Abbie Hoffman’s book titled Steal This Book was published. It was a call and guide to “fighting against the man.” When I came to Trinity, Austin in 1999, Gene Veith’s Spirituality of the Cross was all the … Continue reading
An Open Letter to Helen Andrews
This is another letter from the trashcan. This was about an article on pornography where the author placed blame squarely on Baby Boomers. I disagreed.
“YouTube’s pre-eminent ‘Father Figure”
That’s what the dustjacket for Jordan Peterson’s 2018 bestseller 12 Rules For Life refers to him as. And if this really “is the voice of reason a generation has been longing to hear” better to be deaf.
Brazos Fellowship – Having Church and Doing Worship
Like all the Evangelical churches I have attended, it began with a 7-piece band doing a 3-song set. And the entire service could be summarized in the LCMS’ 1990’s giving campaign: His Love, Our Response. Evangelicalism to some degree … Continue reading
Understanding Depression Through Love Sickness
This is my third post on things psychological that I advise you not to read. This is not mainstream thinking. If that’s where you are, you will consider me nuts. Remember I claim no expertise in this field. I … Continue reading
You’ve been Warned
This is for pastor’s only. If you are a layman, turn around now. I’m not kidding. I’ve shared such thoughts below in Bible classes and it bothered some. I can’t blame them. It bothers me. But you don’t need to … Continue reading
When Will They Ever Learn
Japanese businessmen wishing to break into the then lucrative Christmas card industry began selling their own. The image they chose for their first offering? Jesus kneeling in prayer and in agony in Gethsemane. In the immortal words of St. Maxwell, … Continue reading
Visit to Our Savior Lutheran, Austin, Texas – Theology in a Time of Pandemic
Right off the bat let me say that I heard the Vicarious Atonement, Universal Atonement, and the Bible is the Word of God mentioned. The Nicene Creed was confessed and the Lord’s Prayer prayed. So, an unbeliever could have entered … Continue reading
Defection by Television
Forty Autumns, the story of East Germany and Germans inside and out of that dystopian regime is worth the read. It illustrates why the most effective way of undermining an Iron Curtain is not an effective way for spreading the … Continue reading
Prolife Pregnancy Centers and Contraceptives or 21st Century Bread and Circuses
Recently my congregation stopped funding a local prolife pregnancy center because they provide birth control to the unmarried. When I told this to the center this is how they responded: