Author Archives: Paul Harris
The Crucified Dogs and the Golden Goose
This was written in 2014 and somehow never posted. It is a fitting warning for us dogs who won’t bark.
Advent – Misty Blue?
Advent as a season of preparation for the Nativity originated in France. Its observance was general by the time of the Second Council of Tours, 567. In some places six or seven Sundays were included. When Rome adopted Advent, she … Continue reading
Grace Bible Church – Seeking Soft Hearts with Wrong Theology
I attended a bilingual service of Grace Bible Church, Bryan, Texas on 1-2-2022. In summary, the contemporary songs, though repetitious ad nauseum, were far better theology than what was preached. Unlike other non-denom churches, these folks did actually sing. … Continue reading
Blighted Thinking
(This was originally published by Christian News in 2021 and Life Issues February 2022 (
From Fox News – Thousands of churches raise alarm about scope of new Canadian ‘conversion therapy’ ban
This was the title of an email recently sent to me. It was based on a Fox News headline of January 16, 2022 which said in part, “An initiative begun by Liberty Coalition Canada and promulgated in the United … Continue reading
The Truth About Grief – And Why It Won’t Matter
The Truth About Grief came on my radar in 2012. The book is an exposé of the myth perpetuated in the name of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. I first heard about it, I think, on NPR. It is well-researched and well-reasoned, and will … Continue reading
Effeminacy and the Liturgy – Part II
This was first posted here on July 27, 2009, but I’m doing more than emphasizing. I’ve added more thoughts and documentation.
Great Book Cheaply Bound
Concordia Publishing House published the book (Dis)ordered: Lies about Human Nature and the Truth that sets us Free. This will upset many. The last point I record him as making does me. But overall Rev. Esget is that guy … Continue reading
From Synod, to Corporation, to Bodily Function, to a Typo
It starts with the synod not being a church. Congregational polity rules the day. Then the Synod incorporates and must function as one. Synodical president, District presidents, and even Circuit Counselors – oops now visitors – as officers of … Continue reading
Danger – Close
(This is sermon I wrote in 1994. I had the secretary retype it in this format because if I did it, I would edit as I go. And I wanted you to hear it as I wrote it almost 30 … Continue reading