Author Archives: Paul Harris
Something’s Blowing in the Wind and It ain’t Fortitude
Tyndale’s ad in the September 24, 2022 issue of WORLD for their Every Man’s Bible is one word, ”Fortitude”. ‘Fortitude’ is a manly word. Growing up boys would tease each other about their ‘intestinal fortitude’, AKA ‘guts’, or lack thereof. … Continue reading
A Synod of Benefits not Faith
Even when I was in the LCMS, I thought this. What we all waked together in, what we were really a synod in more than name only, was the Concordia Health and Retirement Plans. A confessional pastor observed after I … Continue reading
Does Rome still teach Ex opere operato?
I’ve been on 2-year quest, odyssey really, to answer for myself if Rome still teaches ex opere operato. Based on the quote below from Rome’s official catechism of 1994, I doubt it.
GodConnect Videos – Connecting With the Video Generation
I grew up when the marks of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod were the “L’s”. Lutheran Layman’s League, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, and Aid Association for Lutherans. You saw these “L’s” and you knew you were home where, to steal … Continue reading
Pete Seeger was right
If you’re going to listen to Pete Seeger’s antiwar anthem, written in 1955 but made popular in the 60’s, listen to the Kingston Trio’s 1962 version. says, “Pete Seeger wrote this song as a call for peace.
It’s Baack!
It’s baack, and you’d sooner have a poltergeist than this spirit. I’ve predicted for over 20 years that the Charismatic Movement that disrupted Christendom from circa 1965 – 1980 would be back. It was driven to the Side-Show Bob of … Continue reading
Religion and Politics
Caution, disclaimer, advisory if you think there is nothing to laugh at in regards to Covid and/or politics, stop reading, now.
The Trolley Problem, FSD Mode, & ATOO
The trolley problem is a thought experiment in ethics in which in a fictional scenario an onlooker has the choice to save 5 people in danger of being hit by a trolley, by diverting the trolley to kill just 1 person. … Continue reading
PFocus – Visit to Pflugerville Community Church
I struggle to write concise blogs of my visits to other churches. Pflugerville Community Church is just like the dozen other Contemporary Worship churches I have visited. The leaders all, including the LCMS and WELS churches, address the congregation as … Continue reading
Let’s Stop Putting a Question Mark over Baptismal Regeneration
For centuries, the practice among Lutherans has been to ask the sponsors on behalf of the infant to be baptized to confess the faith and renounce the devil for him. Once ordained in 1983, I used the liturgy as then … Continue reading