Author Archives: Paul Harris
Three Little Words
I’m convinced. The criteria people use to evaluate candidates for the pastoral office are just moribund. They are not even so last century or the century before that. They aren’t even so last millennia; they are the one before it. … Continue reading
Flame Rapper (Lutheran Rapper)
This was the title of the email I got. The email from a 20-something, confessional Lutheran went on to say: “He graduated with a Master’s in Systematic Theology from St. Louis. The second song references a Dr. Joel Biermann [a … Continue reading
As Goes The Agenda So Goes the Church
At one time, the Missouri Synod understood this. It was the issue of the Prussian Agenda that led ultimately to her forefathers being dissatisfied with the German state church. The Prussian Agenda, seeking to unite the Reformed and Lutheran, … Continue reading
“Painting from 1860 depicts a time traveler using her iPhone”
Did you see this headline and the painting referenced ( Do you realize that more people find it easier to believe that this teenager is using an iPhone in 1860 than a young woman 15-17 years old is going to … Continue reading
Apostolate and Ministry
Over 37 years of ministry, I only personally know of two removed from the clergy roster of the LCMS. One for cause and one just because. The one for cause is Matthew Becker who unlike the Neil Diamond song was … Continue reading
Believer’s Baptism, Communion, and Justification
This article written and published by Christian News, November 2020. The introductory remarks, in italics, are from Rev. Phil Hale, the editor.
If that Paul can do it why can’t this one?
To my surprise, Paul McCartney’s first solo hit, “Uncle Albert” was made up of pieces from unfinished songs in the last days of the Beatles. There are 12 different sections. When I mentioned this to a musician he said, “They … Continue reading
Border Blaster’s and Worship’s Use of Video
Radio station XER went on the air across the border from Del Rio, Texas in 1931. It broadcast at 500,000 watts. Clear Channel radio stations in the U.S. were and are only allowed to transmit at 50,000 watts. Those of … Continue reading
Trying not to be that Fish
While saltwater fishing, If you see a feeding frenzy, you can be sure there are probably sizeable speck, reds, or other larger gamefish there. Underneath them, will be smaller fish feeding on the remains of the bait fish that … Continue reading
The Cassandra Complex
I first mentioned Cassandra in a February 11, 2013 blog. In Greek mythology, she is given the power of prophesy by Apollo to win her love. When she cheats him, he turns this gift into a curse by causing her … Continue reading