Monthly Archives: April 2024
Obergefell v Hodges – Nine Years In
You have to read the below carefully. It’s about the 2015 ruling that redefined marriage, as if that could be done. You might as well “redefine” gravity. That ruling recognized the right to oppose gay marriage for religious reasons. But … Continue reading
Just a Tool?
But is it? Are smartphones, social media, tablets, smart watches, and more just tools? They can be used for good or bad. Sure they can be abused, but the ancient dictum applies abuse doesn’t destroy use. Executives in charge of … Continue reading
A Statement of 46 Years Ago
The “Statement of the 44” made in 1945 was one of the sharpest turns the Good Ship LCMS ever made. Actually, the turn was made when they were allowed to withdraw it with no consequence, no repentance. It was a … Continue reading
Impacted by Which Spirit?
I attended a virtual service of Impact Family Church, Austin on Sunday, June 19, 2022. I started with the service for that day and my computer crashed while livestreaming, so I switched to the Sunday before. This was serendipitous if … Continue reading
It’s the 1980s Calling….
Visiting Our Savior Lutheran Church, Austin, is like stepping back into 1980’s Missouri Synod. Before the liturgy, vestments, and creeds were completely thrown out. When contemporary music was starting to filter in; when the emphasis was on giving and evangelizing; … Continue reading