Monthly Archives: December 2013
An Explanation of our Continued Dissent against Six Identified Errors in the LCMS
Our Statement of Confession, written by me and adopted by you, is really a copying of work done by others. This was a mistake. The virtue of our statement is that it is the only one I know of that … Continue reading
Battle Fatigue, Old Sergeant’s Syndrome, and Grace
You can’t miss that St. Paul likens ministering to soldiering. In reference to paying pastors, he says in 1 Corinthians 9:7, “Who serves as a soldier at his own expense?” In Philippians 2:25 he calls Epaphroditus “my brother, fellow worker … Continue reading
Caged Frogs Worse than Non-barking Dogs
A guard dog that won’t bark at approaching danger is worthless but caged frogs can be worse.
The Piety of the People
While St. Kurt (Marquart) lay dying from ALS, a Reverend David Petersen collected stories of the good saint to present to him before he entered Paradise rather than to each other after he had. That was a good idea. One … Continue reading