Monthly Archives: April 2012
So you think I’m being too picky?
Bethel Lutheran Church, Dallas, has 802 communicant members. Their August 14, 2011 online bulletin had this to say about Communion: “• Holy Communion will be celebrated in the 8:30 Traditional Service today. For those who desire to commune with us … Continue reading
In a Heep of Trouble
You bet you are pastor. You are in a heap of trouble if one member tells you another member needs pastoral care and you don’t act on it. I know so because Uriah Heep showed me so.
An Introduction to our Divine Service
Our Order of Service is not unique to us Lutherans. Martin Luther did not break away from the universal Christian Church, but rather, he recalled the Church to Her original doctrine and practice. The Church still existed, but She had … Continue reading
How Come Growing up I could Say the P Word but not the N Word?
I really don’t get this. Growing up my parents didn’t use and I was not allowed to use the “N” word, but I could use the “P” word. Though my parents weren’t Polish (I could say “thank God” here and … Continue reading
Distinctions that Matter
For some time I’ve wondered why liberals in general and scholars in particular want to make a distinction between resurrection and resuscitation. At first, I thought there were some plausible reasons for doing so; then I concluded it ought not … Continue reading