Monthly Archives: January 2009
Knowing Nothing or Knowing Nothing But
A member wrote me today saying in part, “I found myself despairing over Obama and his future presidency and what this means for the abortion industry…. [F]or you, does Obama change anything?”
Exhorting to Frustration
I want to do auto mechanics. I yearn to be able to pop the hood and know what I’m looking at. I want to get under the car on a mechanic’s creeper and say, “Hand me that ¾ inch wrench,” and … Continue reading
Ugly Betty
Betty isn’t ugly but we are making her that way. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when Father Christmas is handing out gifts he gives to Susan a bow and a quiver full of arrows and a bow … Continue reading
Does Order Matter?
The sainted Father Rudolph Kurz pointed this out when it happened. The Lutheran Annual originally listed the names of pastors on the LCMS clergy roster and then listed congregations.