Monthly Archives: August 2007
Jesus Says
I don’t know if the LSB bulletin inserts have changed this or not. One can only hope. The Gospel for this past Sunday in the old three year series is prefaced by the addition of [Jesus said]. I realize … Continue reading
A Response to a CTCR Response
August 14, 2007 The Commission on Theology and Church Relations The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod 1333 South Kirkwood Road St. Louis, MO 63122-7295 Dear Commission: Thank you for your letter of February 15, 2007 and the copy of “CTCR … Continue reading
Show Me The Potatoes
This article was originally written by me in 1999. The phrase “show me the money” was made popular by the movie “Jerry MaGuire.” MaGuire is a sport’s agent. One of his football players threatens to jump to another agent. MaGuire … Continue reading
Something’s Burning
That Kenny Rogers is a talented singer/song writer. He sings of war causalities, “Ruby,” racism “Reuben James,” and love burning “Something is Burning.” He paints when he sings. Well something is burning in the LCMS and I think it’s our … Continue reading
To Establish a Specific Ministry Pastor Program
Our Synod in convention resolved to establish a Specific Ministry Pastor Program with resolution 5-01b. This is how it was reported through my district. “This program allows for alternate programs to become ordained as a pastor. Members of both seminary … Continue reading
Me and Father Mackenzie
“Father Mackenzie writing the words for a sermon no one will hear.” So sang the Beatles in “Eleanor Rigby.” How often I’ve been able to identify with him. Particularly in the depths of Lent when it seemed liked I had … Continue reading